How Much Do Movers Cost in Pine, PA?

Quick Answer: Although costs fluctuate depending on the service and company, the typical cost for hiring movers in Pine, Pennsylvania, is $126 per hour. If you’re moving locally within Pine, moving companies range from $290 to $2,398 on average. If you’re moving out of Pennsylvania, the cost of Pine long distance movers really depends on where you’re moving to.

Use our moving cost calculator below for a quick and personalized price estimate for your move out of Pine, PA.

Average cost to hire a local moving company in Pine

Hiring a moving company in Pine is definitely the most convenient option, but its convenience comes at a cost. Decide whether you want movers to do all the heavy lifting or if you want to save money by doing some of the work yourself.

Here's how much movers cost in Pine

Home Size Avg. Total Cost Cost/hour # of Movers # Hours
Studio $290 $103 2 movers 3 hours
1 Bedroom $396 $104 2 movers 4 hours
2 Bedroom $616 $140 3 movers 5 hours
3 Bedroom $1,373 $198 4 movers 8 hours
4 Bedroom $1,604 $196 4 movers 9 hours
5+ Bedroom $2,398 $285 5 movers 10 hours
  • Studio: The average cost to hire movers in Pine to move a studio apartment is $290. You'll need two movers for three hours at $103 per hour.
  • 1 Bedroom: If you have a 1 bedroom, expect to pay around $396 for local Pine movers. You'll need two movers for four hours at $104 per hour.
  • 2 Bedroom: The average cost to hire Pine movers to move a 2 bedroom is $616. You'll need three movers for five hours at $140 per hour.
  • 3 Bedroom: For a 3 bedroom, expect to pay $1,373 for local Pine movers. A 3 bedroom typically requires four movers for eight hours at $198 per hour.
  • 4 Bedroom: Moving a 4 bedroom house in Pine will cost on average $1,604. The cost to move a larger home can vary, but typically requires four movers for nine hours at $196 per hour.
  • 5+ Bedroom: The cost of hiring Pine movers for a home with 5 or more bedrooms is $2,398. You'll need five movers for ten hours at $285 per hour.

Pine Movers Cost: Moving out of state

Since the cost of moving out of Pennsylvania depends so much on where you’re moving, here are some example costs, for more detailed guides on your specific destination, find your moving route to Pennsylvania or use our moving cost calculator.

Cost to move a one-bedroom home out of state from Pine

Pennsylvania to Los Angeles: $3,088 - $6,286
Pennsylvania to New York City: $1,196 - $3,137
Pennsylvania to Chicago: $2,039 - $4,350
Pennsylvania to Houston: $2,933 - $5,783
Pennsylvania to Phoenix: $2,954 - $6,218

Cost to move a two or three bedroom home out of state from Pine

Pennsylvania to Los Angeles: $4,723 - $8,028
Pennsylvania to New York City: $1,530 - $4,509
Pennsylvania to Chicago: $2,589 - $5,568
Pennsylvania to Houston: $3,633 - $7,257
Pennsylvania to Phoenix: $4,086 - $7,900

Cost to move a four bedroom home (or larger) out of state from Pine

Pennsylvania to Los Angeles: $8,283 - $13,043
Pennsylvania to New York City: $2,259 - $5,250
Pennsylvania to Chicago: $4,736 - $8,001
Pennsylvania to Houston: $6,163 - $10,095
Pennsylvania to Phoenix: $7,830 - $12,932

Now that you have an idea of what your move from Pine should cost, it’s time to start looking at the best long-distance movers in Pine.

Other options when moving out of Pine

If you’re looking for the cheapest ways to move out of state, consider these DIY choices that are available in Pine.

Moving trucks

Pack and drive it yourself with a moving truck. There are no shortages to finding moving rental truck companies in Pine. Here are some of our favorite guides:

Moving container companies

If you want to handle the packing and loading but leave the driving to a professional, consider a moving container company. There are several options to choose from in Pine, and here are some of our favorite guides to help you find the right option:

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